Previously the premier picture framers for south London, Bromley and north Kent.

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Rob Burrow’s Shirt

We recently framed this shirt and felt it was an apt time to make a post on our site as Kevin Sinfield is coming to the end of his epic 7 in 7 marathon challenge to raise funds and awareness for his friend Rob Burrow and the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

The number seven is synonymous with Burrow as the number he wore throughout his career which gave rise to the idea for Sinfield to run seven marathons in seven days, finishing on the 7th December, with each run beginning at 7am. The initial aim is fittingly to raise £77,777 for the fund set up to support Rob and his young family of three children under eight plus additional funds for MNDA.

You can donate now at or supporters can continue to support MND via text message for the rest of this week. Text MNDROB to 70085 to donate £7. Texts cost £7, plus one standard rate message.  The MND Association is a Registered Charity (No. 294354). 

Our customer chose a a deep white frame with a double mount, white for the outer mount and a 3mm inner yellow mount to echo the secondary colour on the shirt. The back mount is white again with two photographs “shadow mounted” in each corner.

As usual, we cut a template out of foam board to the shape of the shirt and this is then shadow mounted again on the back mount.

There is also another window cut below the shirt (also double mounted) with the legend’s trophies and League wins listed.

The whole of the double mount is kept forwards against the glass by “spacers” all around (out of sight behind the mount). This along with the back mount being held to the back of the frame, gives a shadow effect around the inside of the main aperture to the mount.

The net effect is an elegant piece which sets of the shirt perfectly.