Inspirations Framing have a digital printing service to the business to compliment out picture framing offering. Where previously customers will have been required to have this work undertaken elsewhere, this enables us to deliver our customers with a much more complete service all round.
We have in-house expertise in printing and an Epson Stylus Pro 9900 (44-inch), which incorporates their latest achievements in photographic ink jet technology; this really is the perfect machine for the job. Further details below.
We can print on a variety of substrates suitable for both fine art and photographs, such from photographic papers, fine art papers and canvas.
With the ability to scan or photograph your artwork with a large format digital camera and other print services available such as dry mounting etc, we can service the needs and requirements of both the creative hobbyists and professional artists/photographers to achieve a superior finish for their print works in a one-stop-shop.