Previously the premier picture framers for south London, Bromley and north Kent.

Email: [email protected]


Farewell Amelia

It is a sad, but fond farewell today to Amelia who has been with us for two years.

Amelia joined us as a Saturday girl, supporting the sales function, tidying up, cleaning etc, but eagerly took on more and more roles around the workshop becoming an important member of our small team.

I am sure all of our customers who have come to know Amelia, along with all members of staff will wish her well on her new challenge.

Amelia is seen here a few months ago wrapping up a picture that was taller than her, as always with a smile, which is how we will all remember her.

Amelia’s departure today, leaves a vacancy for a permanent part-time member of staff. Initially working just Saturdays and covering for staff absences on other days, but as we continue to grow, more hours will be possible.

Pay subject to experience and abilities.


For more details, see here: