David Roberts RA Print

We have recently re-framed this wonderful lithograph entitled “Approach of the Simoon” by the artist David Roberts RA. A “simoon” is a desert wind. 

The print was in an old frame and whereas most people would replace the image and the frame, our customer loved the artwork and knew that the ensemble really just needed a little sympathetic updating.

So with a nice simple double mount and a slightly more contemporary frame (but still in accord with the artwork), the print now has a new lease of life.

Here is a little about the artist (from Wikepedia). David Roberts RA (24 October 1796 – 25 November 1864) was a Scottish painter. He is especially known for The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia, a prolific series of detailed lithograph prints of Egypt and the Near East that he produced from sketches he made during long tours of the region (1838–1840). These and his large oil paintings of similar subjects made him a prominent Orientalist painter. He was elected as a Royal Academician in 1841.